We Need You!

Our website is only as good as the content it contains and we need your help! Could you assist with any of the following:

  • Photos taken locally, especially nature scenes and social events.
  • Details of any clubs or societies within striking distance of the parish
  • Articles, news and announcements – if you write it then we will publish it and remember a picture is worth 1,000 words, so send one or two if you can.
  • The history of Colemore, Priors Dean and the surrounding area, including prominent or interesting people that have lived locally
  • Future events/activities – please provide the date, details and if you have a picture or graphic too then so much the better.
  • Business listings, if you have a local business or provide products/services to the parish then we’d be happy to list you on the C&PD website.
  • .. anything else you think may be of interest to your local friends and neighbours

Please use the CONTACT page to send any messages but if you want to send images, articles or any other files then please email them as attachments to Colemore.PriorsDean@gmail.com

Thank you for your support.

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